External Factors Causing Rwandan Genocide
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At the beginning of the 1990s renewal of the conflict existed for many years in Rwanda, became the cause of one of the largest scales of humanitarian catastrophe in the human history caused by mass violation of human rights and at the same time the cause of one of the most vivid examples expressing the crime of genocide after the World War II.As a response to the genocide in Rwanda, the International Temporary Tribunal established for Rwanda by the United Nations, like the Temporary Tribunal of former Yugoslavia, is one of the most critical and important stages on a path of the formation of the permanent International Criminal Court established afterwards. It had a major historical impact
on the process of the formation of modern international criminal law, and is therefore the subject of endless interest and research for scholars in the fields of international criminal law, modern international public law and many other disciplines. Along with the establishment of the International Temporary Tribunal for Rwanda and further studies of its activity it is equally important to study the direct cause of the tribunal establishment, the genocide carried out as a result of the armed conflict, research and analysis of causing factors, which are poorly presented in Georgian scientific literature. In 1994 the Rwandan Genocide is a complex phenomenon and is the result of various independent, equally important factors.
The goal of the present research paper is to study and analyze the external events that have taken place in Rwanda for years and have ultimately influenced the Rwandan Genocide.
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