Semiotic Analysis of Text Interpretation in Society (Based on experimental data)
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The subject of our research is semiotic analysis of the text, its sustainability and variability in the case of multiple,repeated transmission.The purpose of the study is to find out, in the case of multiple, repeated narrations: what kind of changes does text make? How does the form and content of the “original” text change? Does the text retain its original purpose? What
drives the identity of the changed texts? What is the role of the customer in this process?
For the experiment narrative text were selected, in particular the fable. To analyze the material obtained from the experiment, we use a semiotic method consisting of three _syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects in the text; In the semantic aspect of text research, it is up to us to determine the relation between the text and its accompanying meaning.We focused on how the original meaning of the text changed and what we came up with; In the pragmatic aspect of text research, we have identified the issue of the text and its author in cases when it comes to oral texts. Our experiment was a clear confirmation of how different texts can be understood by different users.
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