Phonosemantic Vocabulary in Megrelian Proverbs
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The aim of the given paper is to carry out functional-semantic analysis of diverse phonosemantic vocabulary expressing sound, movement, eating etc. such vocabulary units are widespread in Megrelian proverbs. It is well known that laconism and integrity of the phrase, arrangement of rhythm and rhyme are most prominent features of paroemic units.
This can be achieved by diverse linguistic-expressive means, among which of special importance is phonosemantic vocabulary. It is interesting to identify what type of phonosemantic structure is found in Megrelian proverbs and what is the role of phonosemantic lexemes in the organization of the components of the proverb. The study of
phonose-mantic vocabulary in various languages of the world is directly linked to the issue of arbitrariness of sound.Instead of being arbitrary, phonosemantic lexemes reveal a motivated relationship between the signi ier and the signi ied. This opinion is true for onomatopoetic words proper as well as lexical units expressing sound symbolism.Besides, it should be noted that it is impossible to draw a strict boundary between the above-mentioned two groups of words. Taking into consideration the above-mentioned aims, the paper analyzes ample empirical material.
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